Maths diagnostics

Why do some pupils still not understand maths despite their best efforts?

Maths diagnostics in Levebee reveal hidden causes and provide a tool for independent work to fill in the gaps.

Just because a pupil might struggle in maths doesn't mean they don't have a head for it. We need to start looking at the broader context. For example, if they are not good at multiplication and division, the underlying reason may be a lack of understanding of addition and subtraction. However intensive tutoring in multiplication and division may be, there's no guarantee it will help. It is necessary to go back even a few steps to identify and fill in the gaps which prevent from building on more complex materials smoothly.

“It is only with Levebee that I find out what I previously should have done with my children in first grade. Now they are fourth graders, and thanks to diagnostics, we are discovering which "step" in the curriculum they are stuck on and can't progress further because they are missing so many steps between the first and fourth-grade curriculum.”  
- Mirka, a teacher in PS

Backed by research

Like the entire Levebee app, the diagnostics are based on pedagogical principles supported by proven scientific studies. Thanks to this, it can effectively help children who are lost in mathematics for various reasons.

Dr Renata Wolfová
main methodologist behind the Levebee app

Special education teacher with over 30 years of experience working with children requiring special education approaches in reading, language and maths skills development. Through one-on-one interventions, she has worked with over 2000 children who were lost in maths.

1 How do the diagnostics work?

During the diagnostics, students go through selected exercises in the Levebee that have a telling value for revealing strengths and weaknesses. The diagnostic is adaptive, adjusting to the pupil's abilities during the process. As a result, the average duration of the diagnostic is only around 20 minutes.

Clear analysis of strengths and hidden gaps in mathematical skills

Part of the diagnostics output is a colourful visual Skills Overview, which makes it easy to see at a glance what the child is good at and what they need help with. Levebee also generates a brief text summary that can be passed on to parents or other teachers working with the student.

Detailed interpretation of results and clear recommendations on how to help the pupil

Revealing the state of maths skills without follow-up intervention will not help the child on its own. Therefore, the Levebee will generate a tailored, practical guide for teachers and parents on how to specifically help a given pupil achieve success in maths. We have taken care to ensure that it is written in easy-to-understand language that does not require specialist training.

Levebee automatically selects tailored exercises for independent work

Effectively helping a pupil requires a lot of time that teachers and parents often don't have. Levebee therefore selects appropriate exercises based on the diagnostic and automatically adjusts them according to the pupil's progress. The app includes audio instructions, the possibility to choose a font and adjust its size, and several other features that minimize the need for adult assistance.

Even children with a different mother tongue or special needs can handle the diagnostics

With bilingual instructions in more than 20 languages, Levebee can distinguish language proficiency from maths proficiency. The diagnostic has also been tested with children with a wide range of special learning needs, including children with autism, ADHD, developmental dysphasia and more.

2 When to use the diagnostics?

When a student fails to learn a given mathematical concept

If, despite the best efforts of everyone involved, the pupil is still not mastering the material currently being discussed, they probably already have gaps in a previous skill. Without completing them, they cannot move on.

Mapping the initial knowledge of incoming first graders

At the level of individual children and the whole class, diagnostics can provide a clear picture of what pupils can do when they start school and what needs to be completed as soon as possible so that gaps do not begin to widen from the start of school.

Before starting to teach a complex mathematical concept

In the spirit of formative assessment, diagnostics can also be used to test students' readiness to learn an important new skill. This makes it possible to fill in the gaps before the child experiences a sense of failure in the new materials.

When a pupil transfers from another school during the school year

If you have a new pupil in your class, you can check what skill level they are currently at and whether they can keep up with you in the material you are presently discussing. Filling in the gaps early on will also allow you to integrate them more comfortably into their new class.

Do you want to see how the diagnostics work? 

Sign up for free training to learn how to make the most of the diagnostics! Write to us at

Experience with diagnostics

"The diagnostics were great, as they revealed the pupils' previously hidden deficiencies in mathematics. We have incorporated the recommended exercises in the Levebee into our regular lessons as a support to fill in the missing knowledge."

Eva, a teacher in a PS

"We have found that some pupils adept at counting have gaps in their basic mathematical understanding. So, we focused on order and more. We incorporate the exercises in the Levebee into our lessons every day."

Jaroslava, headmistress and a teacher in a PS

"I admit that at the beginning I didn't have a lot of trust in the diagnostic capabilities. But I was impressed by the demonstration of how the diagnostics work, which I believe will work."

Ivana, a teacher in a PS


What devices do I need to run diagnostics?

We recommend using Android or iOS tablets with the largest screen possible and access to stable internet. The keyboard and mouse are often too complicated for smaller children and unnecessarily drain their attention. In case of mass testing of the whole class, we also recommend the use of headphones. In this case, be sure to check that the volume is set correctly.
How many times can I run the diagnostics for a pupil?

You can run them as many times as you need as the licence does not limit it. For example, you can do it at the beginning of the school year and then at half-term to check progress. The only limitation is the length of the trial or paid licence.
Could the results be used for comparing the level of pupils?

This is not the primary goal of diagnostics. It is a formative not summative assessment. The result is not a standardized score, but a set of specific recommendations on how to help the child. Aggregating data at the whole class or school level can still provide useful information. Suppose a particular skills gap is recurring in more than one pupil. In that case, it may be useful to focus on it in the classroom, sharing experiences with other teachers or, where appropriate, including it in professional learning.
Can I run the diagnostics for a whole class?

Yes, you can, but you need a sufficient number of devices (ideally tablets) and good internet access. Children can log in to their accounts using their PIN. You can find out how to do that HERE.
Is it possible to start the diagnostics and finish it later?

Yes, it's possible. You can always pause it and get back to it later. On average, it takes about 20 minutes to finish it. In general, it should be possible to complete it without interruption. However, it depends on the disposition or possible difficulties of the individual pupil.
Why do examples of addition and subtraction appear in the diagnostic on multiplication and division?   

The diagnostics aim to reveal the real hidden causes of failure in a given mathematical skill. For this reason, the app also verifies the prior knowledge on which the mathematical skill depends.
Why are early maths concepts important?

Early maths concepts form the basis of a child's foundational mathematical knowledge. If they are not anchored, they usually cause future problems.