About Levebee

Why we started Levebee

Children who think that they “do not have a brain for maths” are objectively or even just subjectively excluded from many education and career opportunities. Regrettably, in most cases it could have been completely prevented should the child have received proper support in time. Teachers often do not have enough capacity to take care of each kid individually in a classroom and special education teachers are overbooked or, in some regions, not available at all.

We believe this situation can be significantly improved with the help of technology. We find it extremely rewarding to apply our deep expertise to such a critical issue. By embedding our world-class methodology into a digital tool, we can reach every classroom and home.

The founders

Michal Hudeček, CEO

Michal is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in online business. His background combines deep technical knowledge with business skills proven by multiple exits. He is also a public speaker and a writer on the topic of conceptual thinking in software design.

Renata Wolfová, chief methodologist

Renata has been teaching reading, writing and maths to kids with various special education needs for more than 30 years. In her private practice, she has achieved stunning results even with kids with severe difficulties. She has also written multiple publications on the topic.

Original founders also include Michal Zwinger, Šimon Rozsíval, Marek Lisý and Veronika Pavlíková.

Special advisor

Karina Batat, educational advisor

Karina Batat is a specialist in implementation of innovation and digital culture in schools from Israel.  She is a Primary School teacher, teacher of teachers and Pedagogical Mentor. Since 2015 Karina is Lead Ambassador at the FCL Network and Head of Beta School – the Israeli FCL. In 2022 she joined Technological Innovation Division of Israel Ministry of Education. She believes that the challenge of education in the Digital Era, is turning the Digital Revolution into Digital Evolution.